This simple tutorial will give you an idea how data flow/concept of odoo route to render xml template(interface)
1. simply create the interface (xml)
2. define new route via controller (python)
Here we go. now everytime "/custom/url" triggered, it will cexecute the python code in the controller and render desired xml template.
1. simply create the interface (xml)
2. define new route via controller (python)
Here we go. now everytime "/custom/url" triggered, it will cexecute the python code in the controller and render desired xml template.
Hi, there,
ReplyDeleteI have a question about odoo 8, I am trying to add a second product in the same line of order and my question is how do I make the movement of stock, I have inherited the button confirm sale and try to make the movement of stock but something I do not do well can you help me?
I leave you with a descriptive image of what I'm trying to achieve
and code
def action_button_confirm(self, context=None):
zero_price = [ for x in self.order_line]
zero_env1 = [ for x in self.order_line]
context = dict(context or {})
procurement_obj = self.pool.get('procurement.order')
sale_line_obj = self.pool.get('sale.order.line')
res = {}
Move = self.env['stock.move']
warehouse = self.env['stock.warehouse']
item ={'quant':})
self.assertEquals(item.source_loc, self.quant1.location_id)
for transfer in self.order_line:
moves = self.env['stock.move']
stock_location = self.env['stock.quant'].search([('product_id', '=',])
move = Move.create({
'restrict_lot_id': False,
'product_uom': 1, #TODO: Change the test value 1 to produc_uom
'partner_id': 1, #TODO: Change the test value 1 to partner_id
'location_dest_id': 1,
return super(sale_order,self).action_button_confirm()
you adding the same product in the same line is not really a ggod practice,, i suggest you add the product in the new orderline